How To Make Excel Default App On Mac


  1. Default Apps In Mac
  2. Make Excel Default App
Alex Kemp
20284175657 http://etmg.altervista...

Save a file in the Open XML Format (the default file format for Office for Mac 2011) Create a file, or open the file that you want to save. On the File menu, click Save As. The dock is an easy way to get the everyday use app as soon as you open the Mac, but setting the apps to launch at startup will make the process even faster. There is an option to set apps to launch at startup on a Mac from the Dock menu in case the app you are looking to set in the startup is already present in the dock menu. Pick the program you want to set as the default and check 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.' On the Mac, right-click the file and select Get Info. Toward the bottom of the. In the File function (i.e. By tapping the 'box with an arrow' icon), then swiping to the left and tapping 'More', you can turn off a handful of apps from appearing, but also change the order in which they appear on the pop up making your app of choice a little quicker to access.

Version X 10.9.5

I've just got a new MacBook Pro and want to use LibreOffice as my default office suite, not the Apple suite. At the moment, documents automatically get opened in Pages, which I don't want. I can't open saved documents with LibreOffice either, but I can create and save new ones.




Default Apps In Mac

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Make Excel Default App

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
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